How do we work?

M/S Ahsania International is  Government registered Indenter, Importer, Exporter, Supplier, Commission Agent, Distributor, 1st class contractor, and a number of overseas Manufacturer’s Representatives in Bangladesh. We participate in various open tender/bids floated by Bangladesh Government in the various sector to procure different goods and services in large or small quantities. We represent our overseas manufacture for specific contracts or bids and assist them to expand their business for which we also recommend tools like this pay stub template.

Company Philosophy

Our business philosophy is to create and nurture positive supplier and buyer relationships where we are all better as a result of having one another in each other’s lives. If our suppliers are not successful then neither are we. Putting our supplier first and going way beyond the normal scope that any company would go to ensuring that our suppliers are not only happy but also end up seeing results.

Results YouCan Measure

Our continuous and laborious work made it possible for many successful histories over the past years. We have become a 1st class Government contactor and we supplier numerous goods and services from our overseas and local concerns to Bangladesh’s Defense.

30+ Government Organization

We have business contact with 30+ Government / non-Government organizations. 

45+ Countries

We have overseas manufacturers and principal in 45+ countries.

26+ Businesses consulted

We have finished 26+ contracts in only the Defense sector.

14+ Million earning

From the establishment, we have made 14+ million dollars gross profit.